I’m Having To Re-evaluate My Conduct And Purpose For Being On Medium.

I enjoy the interactions, but I also fret over them and some of you are waking me up in the early morning hours.

Sandy Knight
3 min readApr 16, 2016

I don’t want to censor myself; equally, I do not, in anyway want to be careless enough to harm someone with an inept or confusing response.

I have to constantly remind myself, that you don’t know me; thus, I can’t assume the benefit of your generosity when interpreting my words in exactly the way I’ve meant them.

However, there are those who have sought to see beyond my clumsiness and they’ll probably know who they are. For example, the dear one who subtly highlighted “Jackass Junction” in one of my stories, which made me snort like one. Sometimes subtly is NOT lost on me, sometimes it is.

I’ve re-read some comments I’ve made thus far, from as objective a perspective as I could attain and I was flabbergasted ( old, but great word) to see one, two or even three ways something I’ve said could be interpreted. I can count on you to pick one but I’m not so sure you’ll grab the one I intended. Perhaps I’m over thinking this (I do have a black belt in this past time) but these are the demons I wrestle with and I read somewhere I could safely expose them here.

Now you would think (wouldn’t you?) a person who professes to love and respect words as much as I do ( besides wanting to be a nun for a short time, I entertained the prospect of English teacher) would be able to avoid these pitfalls.

Here and now, let me dispel this notion, love does not always equal adeptness in my world. Nope. There are many things I love to do, see and experience but I could not make so much as a near approximation of these things that would be respectable. Like yodeling or playing the zither.

I would, however, like to approximately emulate a good writer so I shall keep at the craft of writing, however hit and miss it might be.

But, I should acknowledge my short fall in the area of personal and interpersonal communications with virtual strangers. Hell, my wife gets the brunt of this shortfall most times and she actually knows and loves me! So, in this respect, I think I shall be a bit more reticent in my comments in the future and leave mastery of this realm to those who do it so well like Jules, Thomas Barton, Shery Carris, Heather Naan, Tremaine Loadholt, Michelle Stafford, and many others. I shall, however, not be stingy with the little green heart whenever so moved, you can be sure of that.

I’ve included a real picture of myself here below because I’m showing you my eyes, for obvious reasons. I hope you will see the respect and compassion I have for you there. Though many of us choose to use an avatar instead of an actual picture, (both are perfectly fine) none of us should forget, behind every word, either read or typed into existence on this virtual platform, there are a pair of eyes, a heart and soul.

me and my eyes

s lynnknight 2016

