I May Be The Pompous Ass You Think I Am — A Case For Non-Judgement

Sandy Knight
4 min readApr 4, 2016
Me and my Ass In Bullhead, Az.

A friend once gave me a book written by Anthony de Mello, an Indian Jesuit priest, and psychotherapist. The book, Awakening, a posthumous publication, is short, but packs several sucker punches to the ego throughout. In it, de Mello clearly states, “I’m an ass and you’re an ass.”, effectively leveling the playing field for ALL asses which is to say any biped with an ego.

If you’re thinking you’re off the hook because your ego is in “check”, or that you’re not a bi-ped, think again. Or better yet, don’t think at all. Ask yourself how you feel about being called an “ass”, that should be enough to rattle your ego’s saber for a moment while I retreat to my corner for the next point.

Oh, excuse me, I just found myself feeling a bit too mirthful, bordering on giddy as I stood over here in my corner and contemplated the skewering of ego, mine and yours. Let me get control of myself (a muffled scuffle is heard in the shadows).

I must admit deflation has never been my strong suit, but I’ve found it to be much preferred to the bulbous, overstuffed ballasting one gets after indulging in a sumptuous meal of empty, white carbohydrates…

